Our Founders

Mr. Sameer Kachhi

An ardent follower of ethics, sincere towards his work, dedicated knowledgeable, reliable and above all, a very warm being who is passionate about his commitments.

For Sameer, Drive means a combination of a willingness to work hard, emotional fortitude, enormous powers of concentration, and a refusal to admit defeat.

Post Conferring his degree from Mumbai University, regardless of having an affable career with an experience of more than a decade in Finance he has successfully merged out as a victor by amalgamation with multiple NGOs across India. He has never missed a mark to bring a smile to the faces of the underprivileged sector of society.

His vision is to play a formative role in the upliftment of society and the underprivileged sections at large.

After a phenomenal experience in serving mankind, Sameer is commencing his own Radiothon Enterprise,
“Save Tears Foundation”
As His aim is, to give Each Beating Heart in Need, a Chance to Live Happily.


Mr. Sajid Kachhi

Sajid Kachhi is a voice for the voiceless and an inspiration to many.

He is a passionate benevolence who uses his expertise in technology and online community building to assist and inspire others on their journeys involving advocacy and betterment for the people. After completing his degree, and having a lofty perch in finance, Sajid himself stepped into helping the needy. His professional experiences have been amazing working with multiple NGOs which has made a difference in many lives. He is relentless in his desire to eradicate epidemics and societal ills.

Thus, starting his own Philanthropic enterprise,

“Save Tears Foundation”,

As He believes in the saying “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”